štvrtok 17. októbra 2013


Stockholm has most defintely got one of the most amazing tube stations collection. The most spectacular ones are on the Blue Line (Blå linjen). They are usually just dug into the ground, with no extra wall smootering done, so on some of the stations there is water dripping off the walls, which makes you feel like you were in a cave. I havent yet had a proper look on all of them, but Fridhemsplan is great, with its huge ship models, compasses et cetera. So when my friend photographer Katarina Kri visited me in order to get some pictures of new coats by me&m taken, we knew we would have to take them in a metro station. Our model was Sofie, in quite a "last minute" manner - but things turned out how they were meant to, as usual. Sofie is a proper Swedish girl, who works as a flight attendant.  She told me that her sister, one of Stockholm supermodels, refused to go for a date with Bono Vox :). Sofie herself is a lovely being and its pleasure to watch her & her subtle allurement glowing all around. We also took pictures on my personal favourite station, T- Centralen, which I will show you as we go. Have a great day! :)
Fridhemsplan Metro coordinates: 59°19′57″N 18°01′50″E

Štokholm robia špeciálnym okrem iného aj stanice metra. Systém štokholmského metra nieje taký dokonalý ako ten londýnsky, ktorý je v prehľadnosti úplne nekompromisný, ale o to krajšie je metro v Štokholme vizuálne. Obzvlášť zastávky na modrej linke (Blå linjen). Sú väčšinou len vykopané v zemi, bez nejakého uhladzovania stien - a následne pomaľované. Urban jaskyňa. Keď teda ku mne prišla kamarátka, fotografka Katka Kri, aby sme spolu nafotili nové kabáty od me&m, hneď sme sa zhodli, že to bude musieť byť (aj) v metre. Mali sme neskutočné šťastie na modelku - Sofie, ktorá inak pracuje ako letuška a vravela nám, že jej sestra, jedna zo štokholmských topmodeliek raz odmietla ísť na rande s Bonom Voxom. OK. Na Sofie je skvelé, že má jeden z tých milých pôvabov, je radosť byť v jej spoločnosti, lebo okrem toho., že je milá, jej to aj páli. S Katkou sme ju nafotili aj na inej, mojej obľúbenej zastávke metra, T - Centralen, ukážem inokedy:) Majte krásny deň :)
Fridhemsplan Metro súradnice: 59°19′57″N 18°01′50″E

Sofie is wearing THIS coat from me&m, COS shirt, Mango jeans & Hunter wellies from Ebay

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